IBC Submission Forms

Research Lab MUA

A Research Lab Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement (MUA) form is required for each general protocol using biological materials. Common protocols include work with recombinant DNA, biohazardous agents (BSL-2 and higher), human/primate blood, cell lines, and tissue cultures. Note that you will need to submit separate MUA forms for cloning of genes and for expression of proteins for each system (e.g. E. coli, yeast, mammalian cells) you use, but you do not need to submit a separate protocol for different genes within the same system (e.g. expression of different proteins in E. coli or cloning of genes in yeast). See example MUA forms below


Course Lab Teaching MUA

Course Lab Teaching Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement (Classroom MUA) form is required for protocols using biological materials. Common protocols include work with recombinant DNA, biohazardous agents (BSL-2 and higher), human/primate blood, cell lines, and tissue cultures. Note that you will need to submit separate MUA forms for cloning of genes and for expression of proteins for each system (e.g. E. coli, yeast, mammalian cells) you use, but you do not need to submit a separate protocol for different genes within the same system (e.g. expression of different proteins in E. coli or cloning of genes in yeast). See example MUA forms below (coming soon).

  • Example 1 – Cloning Protocol (coming soon)
  • Example 2 – Protein Expression Protocol (coming soon)
  • Example 3 – Biological Agents (Bacteria) Protocol 
  • Example 4 – Tissue Culture (Mammalian) Protocol (coming soon)


Blood Borne Pathogens Exposure Control Forms

Blood Borne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan Forms are required for work that includes, but is not limited to, experiments with blood, blood components, human cell lines or primate cell lines.  Click here to access the document with information about work falling under the BBP standard.

There is a GENERAL BBP Exposure Control Plan that applies to all labs and classrooms operating under BBP standards and includes important information about Hepatitis B vaccinations.

There are also separate BBP Exposure Control Forms for RESEARCH LABS and COURSE TEACHING LABS that should be used to supplement the general BBP Exposure Control Plan.

These BBP forms are to be submitted in addition to a research or course MUA for the work.


IBC Microbe Work Registry

All work that uses microbes (including viruses and uncultured microbes) needs to be registered using the preliminary IBC Microbe Registry Form.  This form will help you determine whether you also need to summit an MUA


Student Researcher Training

A Student Researcher Training Form will be updated every Fall and Spring Semester and Summer Research period. It should be submitted to biosafety@richmond.edu by the second Monday of the corresponding period.


Adverse Biosafety Event and Non-Compliance

An Adverse Biosafety Event and Non-Compliance Report Form should be submitted to report any serious adverse events, any non-compliance with NIH Guidelines, BMBL, University of Richmond laboratory safety policy, or any significant research-related accident or illness leading to, or potentially leading to, harm or danger to humans, animals, plants, and/or the environment.


Annual Report

An Annual Report will be due each year on December 31 (more information to come). During this time, you should also make sure to update your list of students for the spring semester and determine if anyone needs additional CITI training.